Safe Packing Tips
Denali Air, Inc. is a Will Not Carry carrier as outlined in our OPSPEC.
Hazardous materials include, without limitation, any type of explosives, corrosives, poisons, flammable gases, liquids or solids, nonflammable compressed gases, radioactive materials, magnetized materials and oxidizing agents.
For the most complete list of hazardous materials, please visit FAA PackSafe. The following items are examples of hazardous materials or dangerous goods and are not allowed in checked or carried on bags.
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous materials include, but are not limited to:
- Air bags
- Auto battery chargers
- Auto parts with oil or fuel residues (i.e. struts, shocks)
- Bear Spray
- Chemicals
- Chlorine for pools and spas
- CO2 cartridges (except those in self-inflating life vests)
- Compressed gas cylinders (including fire extinguishers, air conditioning units, etc.)
- Dry ice
- Explosives
- Fireworks
- Flares
- Gas torches
- Gasoline
- Helium-filled balloons
- Lighter fluid
- Liquid bleach
- Liquid fuels
- Magnetized materials
- Oxygen tanks
- Paint
- Paintball gun cylinders
- Pesticides
- Poisons
- Radioactive materials
- Scuba tanks (neither full nor empty tanks are accepted)
- Spillable batteries (except those on wheelchairs)
- Spray paint (latex and water-based paints are also prohibited)
- Tear gas
- Turpentine and paint thinner